4 research outputs found

    Adaptability of deep learning: datasets and strategies in fruit classification

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    This review aims to uncover the multifaceted landscape of methodologies employed by researchers for accurate fruit classification. The exploration encompasses an array of techniques and models, each tailored to address the nuanced challenges presented by fruit classification tasks. From convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and transfer learning to ensemble methods, the spectrum of approaches underscores the innovative strategies harnessed to achieve precision in fruit categorization. A significant facet of this review lies in the analysis of the various datasets utilized by researchers for fruit classification. Different datasets present unique challenges and opportunities, thereby shaping the design and effectiveness of the models. From widely recognized datasets like Fruits-360 to specialized collections, the review navigates through a plethora of data sources, elucidating how these datasets contribute to the diversity of research endeavors. This insight not only highlights the variety in fruit types and attributes but also emphasizes the adaptability of deep learning techniques to accommodate these variations. By amalgamating findings from diverse articles, this study offers an enriched understanding of the evolving trends and advancements within the domain of fruit classification using deep learning. The synthesis of methodologies and dataset variations serves to inform future research pursuits, aiding in the refinement of accurate and robust fruit classification methods. As the field progresses, this review stands as a valuable compass, guiding researchers toward impactful contributions that enhance the accuracy and applicability of fruit classification models

    Least square-support vector machine based brain tumor classification system with multi model texture features

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    Radiologists confront formidable challenges when confronted with the intricate task of classifying brain tumors through the analysis of MRI images. Our forthcoming manuscript introduces an innovative and highly effective methodology that capitalizes on the capabilities of Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) in tandem with the rich insights drawn from Multi-Scale Morphological Texture Features (MMTF) extracted from T1-weighted MR images. Our methodology underwent meticulous evaluation on a substantial dataset encompassing 139 cases, consisting of 119 cases of aberrant tumors and 20 cases of normal brain images. The outcomes we achieved are nothing short of extraordinary. Our LS-SVM-based approach vastly outperforms competing classifiers, demonstrating its dominance with an exceptional accuracy rate of 98.97%. This represents a substantial 3.97% improvement over alternative methods, accompanied by a notable 2.48% enhancement in Sensitivity and a substantial 10% increase in Specificity. These results conclusively surpass the performance of traditional classifiers such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Radial Basis Function (RBF), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in terms of classification accuracy. The outstanding performance of our model in the realm of brain tumor diagnosis signifies a substantial leap forward in the field, holding the promise of delivering more precise and dependable tools for radiologists and healthcare professionals in their pivotal role of identifying and classifying brain tumors using MRI imaging techniques

    Generating Image Captions Using Bahdanau Attention Mechanism and Transfer Learning

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    Automatic image caption prediction is a challenging task in natural language processing. Most of the researchers have used the convolutional neural network as an encoder and decoder. However, an accurate image caption prediction requires a model to understand the semantic relationship that exists between the various objects present in an image. The attention mechanism performs a linear combination of encoder and decoder states. It emphasizes the semantic information present in the caption with the visual information present in an image. In this paper, we incorporated the Bahdanau attention mechanism with two pre-trained convolutional neural networks—Vector Geometry Group and InceptionV3—to predict the captions of a given image. The two pre-trained models are used as encoders and the Recurrent neural network is used as a decoder. With the help of the attention mechanism, the two encoders are able to provide semantic context information to the decoder and achieve a bilingual evaluation understudy score of 62.5. Our main goal is to compare the performance of the two pre-trained models incorporated with the Bahdanau attention mechanism on the same dataset

    Adversarial Approaches to Tackle Imbalanced Data in Machine Learning

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    Real-world applications often involve imbalanced datasets, which have different distributions of examples across various classes. When building a system that requires a high accuracy, the performance of the classifiers is crucial. However, imbalanced datasets can lead to a poor classification performance and conventional techniques, such as synthetic minority oversampling technique. As a result, this study proposed a balance between the datasets using adversarial learning methods such as generative adversarial networks. The model evaluated the effect of data augmentation on both the balanced and imbalanced datasets. The study evaluated the classification performance on three different datasets and applied data augmentation techniques to generate the synthetic data for the minority class. Before the augmentation, a decision tree was applied to identify the classification accuracy of all three datasets. The obtained classification accuracies were 79.9%, 94.1%, and 72.6%. A decision tree was used to evaluate the performance of the data augmentation, and the results showed that the proposed model achieved an accuracy of 82.7%, 95.7%, and 76% on a highly imbalanced dataset. This study demonstrates the potential of using data augmentation to improve the classification performance in imbalanced datasets